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Our specialist services start with a thorough evaluation where we discuss and assess your specific needs, so we can provide you with a personalized physical rehabilitation program. We examine your movement, strength, flexibility, functional, balance, and muscle tone and develop programs to help rectify any deficits.
California Therapy Solutions provides comprehensive physical therapy services for adults and children with a variety of nervous system disorders including:
Balance disorders
Cerebral Palsy
Parkinson’s Disease
Stroke (CVA)
Multiple Sclerosis

Our physical therapy team uses a variety of well-documented and state-of-the-art equipment and treatment techniques specializing in balance disorders, Parkinson's disease, and concussions.
Immersive Virtual Reality
Computerized Dynamic Post-urography to provide you with the gold standard in balance evaluation and treatment
Bertec Vision Advantage to evaluate your visual systems influence on function
Cobalt balance test for seniors and athletes alike
Overhead support system to safely offer challenging exercises to stimulate your balance center
Education and training in compensatory strategies to recover function
Gait Training with the use of assistive equipment/devices
Neuromuscular re-education
Splinting, bracing and the use of specialized therapy equipment
Therapeutic exercise and balance activities
To learn more about our Neurological Rehab programs, call us today!